Objective Questions with Answers on Law Of Contracts - 9

1) If the letter of acceptance and telegram of its revocation both reach the proposer at the same moment, acceptance is deemed to be revoked :

A) Provision of section 4

B) Illustration of section 4

C) Provision of section 6

D) Illustration of Section 5.

Answer: D

8) A sent a Telegram revoking his  proposal to B , which B received after posting his letter  of acceptance, B also sent Telegram revoking his acceptance which reached A, after receiving B's letter of acceptance.

 Choose the correct answer :

A) There is no contract between A and B

B) There is a contract between A and B.

C) The contract is voidable at the position of B .

D) The contract is voidable at the position of B.

Answer : B

9) In order to convert a proposal into a promise the acceptance must be :

A) Absolute

B) Qualified

C) Absolute and qualified.

D) Absolute and Unqualified

Answer : D
(According to Sec. 7, in order to convert a proposal into a promise the acceptance must be absolute and unqualified.)

10) The communication of revocation is complete against the person to whom it is made.

A) When it is communicated to him.

B)  When it is put in the course of transmission.

C) When it comes to his knowledge.

D) When it is put in the course of Transmission so as to come to his knowledge.

Answer : C

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