Legal rights are legally protected, If any person violate the legal right it would be a legal wrong.
According to Salmond -
"A wrong is simply a wrong Act - an act contrary to the rule of right and Justice. A synonym of it is injury, in its true and primary sense of injuria (that which is contrary to jus), though by a modern preservation of meaning this time has acquired the secondary sense of harm or damage whether rightful or wrongful and whether inflicted by human agency or not."
According to Pollock -
“Wrong is in morals the contrary of right. Right action is that which moral rules prescribe or commend wrong action is that which they forbid. For legal purposes anything is wrong which is forbidden by law; there is a Wrong done whenever a legal duty is broken. A wrong may be described, in the largest sense, as anything done omitted contrary to legal duty, considered insofar as it gives rise to liability. Hence the existence of Duty, as it involves right, involves also the possibility of wrong; logically no more than this possibility, though we know too well that all rules are in fact sometimes broken. Duty, right and wrong or not separate or divisible heads of legal rules or of their subject-matter, but different legal aspects of the same rules and events. There may be duties and rights without any wrong; this happens whenever legal duties are justly and truly fulfilled. There cannot, of course be a wrong without duty already existing, but wrongs also create new duties and liabilities. Strictly speaking, therefore, there can be no such thing as a distinct law of wrongs. By the law of wrongs we can mean only the law of duties, or some class of duties, considered as exposed to infraction, and the special rules for awarding redress or punishment which came into play when infraction has taken place. There is not one Law of rights or duties and another Law or wrongs. Nevertheless there are some kinds of duties which are more conspicuous in the breach than in the observance. The natural end of positive duty is performance. A thing has to be done, and when it is duty done the duty is, as we say, discharged; the man who lawfully bound is lawfully free. We contemplate performance, not breach. Appointments officers are made, or ought to be, in the expectation that the persons appointed will adequately fulfill their official duties."
1) Legal Wrong :
The essence of the legal wrong is that it is a violation of justice according to the law- not the manner in which the guilty are treated. It is a legal wrong of debt is not paid within the period of limitation.
2) Moral Wrong :
A moral wrong is an act which is morally or naturally wrong. It is Contrary to the rule of natural justice. It is a moral wrong to disobey one's parents. A legal wrong need not to be moral wrong and vice versa.
See also... Kinds of Legal Rights
According to Salmond -
"A wrong is simply a wrong Act - an act contrary to the rule of right and Justice. A synonym of it is injury, in its true and primary sense of injuria (that which is contrary to jus), though by a modern preservation of meaning this time has acquired the secondary sense of harm or damage whether rightful or wrongful and whether inflicted by human agency or not."
According to Pollock -
“Wrong is in morals the contrary of right. Right action is that which moral rules prescribe or commend wrong action is that which they forbid. For legal purposes anything is wrong which is forbidden by law; there is a Wrong done whenever a legal duty is broken. A wrong may be described, in the largest sense, as anything done omitted contrary to legal duty, considered insofar as it gives rise to liability. Hence the existence of Duty, as it involves right, involves also the possibility of wrong; logically no more than this possibility, though we know too well that all rules are in fact sometimes broken. Duty, right and wrong or not separate or divisible heads of legal rules or of their subject-matter, but different legal aspects of the same rules and events. There may be duties and rights without any wrong; this happens whenever legal duties are justly and truly fulfilled. There cannot, of course be a wrong without duty already existing, but wrongs also create new duties and liabilities. Strictly speaking, therefore, there can be no such thing as a distinct law of wrongs. By the law of wrongs we can mean only the law of duties, or some class of duties, considered as exposed to infraction, and the special rules for awarding redress or punishment which came into play when infraction has taken place. There is not one Law of rights or duties and another Law or wrongs. Nevertheless there are some kinds of duties which are more conspicuous in the breach than in the observance. The natural end of positive duty is performance. A thing has to be done, and when it is duty done the duty is, as we say, discharged; the man who lawfully bound is lawfully free. We contemplate performance, not breach. Appointments officers are made, or ought to be, in the expectation that the persons appointed will adequately fulfill their official duties."
Wrongs are of two kinds -
1) Legal Wrong
2) Moral Wrong.
1) Legal Wrong :
The essence of the legal wrong is that it is a violation of justice according to the law- not the manner in which the guilty are treated. It is a legal wrong of debt is not paid within the period of limitation.
2) Moral Wrong :
A moral wrong is an act which is morally or naturally wrong. It is Contrary to the rule of natural justice. It is a moral wrong to disobey one's parents. A legal wrong need not to be moral wrong and vice versa.
See also... Kinds of Legal Rights