What are Benefits of Lok Adalat ?

                 The Lok Adalat is an old form of Adjudicating system prevailed in ancient India It's validity has not been taken away even  in the Modern days too. Lok Adalat is another alternative  to Judicial Justice.

Benefits under Lok Adalat

1 ) No Court Fee -

                  There is no Court fee and if Court fee is already paid the amount will be refunded if the dispute is settled at Lok Adalat according to the rules.

2)  Procedural Flexibility and Speedy trial   - 

                       The basic features of Lok Adalat are the procedural flexibility and speedy trial of the disputes. There is no strict application of procedural laws like Civil Procedure Code and Evidence Act while accessing the claim by Lok Adalat.

3) Directly interaction with the Judge -

The parties to the dispute can directly interact with the Judge through their Counsel which is not possible in Regular Courts of Law.

 4) Award of Lok Adalat -

                The award by the Lok Adalat is binding on the parties and it has the status of a decree of a Civil Court and it is non- appealable which does not cause the delay in the settlement of disputes finally.   

               Lok Adalats are boon to the litigating public, they can get their disputes settled fast and free of cost amicably.

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