Powers of State Bar Council

Powers of State Bar Council 

     a) Power to make rules 
               The State Bar Council has been empowered to make rules to carry on the purposes of section 16 to Section 27 of the Advocate Act, 196, dealing with the admission and enrollment of advocate, Section 28(1) provides that the State Bar Council may make rules to carry out the purposes of chapter III (Section 16 to section 28) of the Act but this rules shall not effective unless approved by Bar Council of India.
     b) Power to punish Advocate 
                  The State Bar Council has Power to punish an advocate for professional misconduct and other misconduct. The Disciplinary Committee of the State Bar Council may make any of the following order -
               (a)dismiss the complaint or, where the proceedings were initiated at the instance of the State Bar Council, direct that the proceedings be filed;

               (b) reprimand the advocate;

               (c) suspend the advocate from practice for such period as it may deem fit;

              (d) remove the name of the advocate from the State roll of advocates.

     c) To appoint Committees and Staff Members 

                 A bar Council establishes several committees to its function under this Act including disciplinary committee, executive Committee, Enrollment Committee, etc. Every such committee is allotted a distinct function to carry.

     d) To Maintain Accounts and Conduct Audit    

Section 12. of Advocate Act 1961 provides that every Bar Council shall cause to be maintained such books of accounts and other books in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed. The accounts of a Bar Council shall be audited by auditors duly qualified to act as auditors of companies under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed. A State Bar Council shall send a copy of its accounts together with a copy of the report of the auditors thereon to the Central Government and shall cause the same to be published in the Gazette of India

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