Introduction :
There is a lot of Literature on the Subject of Law and In spite of that, different definitions have been given.... Law is a Social Science and grows, develops with the growth and development of Society. New development in Society creates new problems and law is required to deal with those problems In order to keep pace in society, the Definition and scope of law must continue to change. The result is that a definition of law give at a particular time cannot remain valid for all times to come. A definition of Law which is considered satisfactory today may be found narrow tomorrow.
Vagarious school of Law have defined law from different angles. Some have defined it on the basis of its nature. Some concentrate mainly on its sources. Some define it in terms of its effect on society. There are others who define law in terms of the or purpose of law.
Some of the Definitions of Law are as follows:
1) Justinian :
According To Justinian "Law is the King of all mortal and immortal affairs, which ought to be the chief, the ruler and the leader of the noble and the base and thus the standard of what is just and unjust, the Commander to animals naturally social of what they should do the forbidden of what they Should not. do.
2) The Vedas:
Law is The King of Kings and more powerful and rigid than they: nothing can be mightier than law, by whose aid, as by that of the highest monarch, even the weak may prevail over the strong."
3) Ulpian :
"Law is the Art of Science of what is equitable and good ."
4) Cicero :
According to Cicero Law is the highest reason implanted in nature.
5) John Erskine:
" Law is the command of a sovereign, containing a common rule of life for his subjects and obliging them to obedience.'
6) Pinder :
According to Pinder, "Law is the king of all, both Mortal and immortals
7) Demosthenes :
According to Demosthenes "Every law is a gift of God and decision Sages."
8) Chrysiphus :
Chrysiphus defines Law as, "the common law which is the right reason, moving through all things, and identical with Zeus, the Supreme Administrator of the universe.
9) Anaximenes :
According to Anaximenes "Law is a definite proposition, in pursuance of a common agreement of a State intimating how everything should be done."
10) Hobbes :
Law is the speech of him who by right commands somewhat to be done or omitted.
11) Blackstone :
" Law in its most general and comprehensive sense signifies a rule of action and is applied indiscriminately to all kinds of actions, whether animate or inanimate, rational or irrational. "
12) Prof. H. L.A Hart :
According to Prof H. L.A Hart "law is a system of primary and secondary rules, their union or combination may justify as regarded as the essence of law. The primary rules are duty imposing and secondary rules are power conferring"
13) Kant :
" Law is the sum total of conditions under which the personal wishes of man can be combined with the personal wishes of another man in accordance with the general law of freedom."
14) Hegel :
"Law is the abstract expression of the general will existing in and for itself."
15) Sir Henry Maine :
" The word law has come down to us in close association with two notions, the notion of order and the notion of force."
16) Savigny :
According to Savigny, "law is the rule whereby the invisible borderline is fixed within which the being and the activity of each individual obtains a secure and free space."
17) Vinogradoff :
"Law is the Set of rules imposed and enforced by a society with regard to the distribution and exercise of powers over persons and things".
18) Ihering :
Ihering defines Law as "the form of the guarantee of the conditions of life of society, assured by State's power of constraint".
19) Ehrlich :
" All the norms which govern social life within a given society."
20) Austin :
" Law is the aggregate of rules set by men as politically superior, or sovereign, to men as politically subject."
21) Kelsen :
According to Kelsen Law is the depsychologised command.
22) Gray :
"The Law of the State or any organised body of men is composed of the rules which the courts - that is the judicial organs of that body- lay down for the determination of legal rights and duties".
23) Pound :
Pound defines law as, "Social Institution to satisfy social wants"
24) Holland
"More briefly, the law is a general rule of eternal human action enforced by a sovereign political authority. All other rules for the guidance of human action are laws merely by analogy, and propositions which are not rules for human action are laws by metaphor only."
25) Justice Holmes
" Law is a statement of the circumstances in which the public force will be brought to bear upon men through courts".
26) Cardozo
According to Cardozo " A principle of the rule of conduct so established as to justify a prediction with reasonable certainty that it will be enforced by the Courts in its authority is challenged is a principle of rule of law."
27) Bentham
"Law or the law, taken indefinitely, is an abstract or collective term, which means anything, can mean neither more nor less than the sum total of a number of individual laws taken together".
28) Salmond
According to Salmond " Law is the body of principles recognised and applied by the State in the administration of Justice.
See also
1) Definitions of 'Sources of International Law'
2) Meaning and Definitions of Evidence
3) Meaning and Definition of Jurisprudence
4) Possession : Meaning, Definition and Kinds of possession
5) Advantages and Disadvantages of Law