Functions of International Law

What is International Law ? 

          International Law is a body of rules regarded by the nations of the world as binding on them in their relations with each other , in peace and war and comprises the rights and duties of sovereign States towards each other. In the words of Friedman, "International law is today actively and continuously concerned with such divergent and vital matters as human rights and crimes against humanity, the international control of nuclear energy Trade Organisation, labour conventions, transport control or health regulations."

Functions of International Law : 

     Some important functions of International Law are as under -

1) To maintain International peace and Security

2) To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character.

3) To settle international disputes by peaceful means

4) To refrain from threat or use of force by a state against the territorial integrity or political independent of any State

5)To provide right of self determination to peoples and

6) To provide fundamental freedom and human rights.

             Although International law has failed to perform its functions adequately and effectively due to its weakness (See... weakness of International Law ), However, in certain areas its effectiveness cannot be denied.

               A large number of new States are emerging who were the colonies earlier of other countries, is the greatest achievement. There are attempts and efforts taken for promoting and providing human rights to all the people, disarmament, prohibition on the use of nuclear weapons, regulations of the outer space . International law has made noteworthy development in this area.  

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