Role of legal profession in enforcement of human rights | Human Rights

      The expression "Human rights" denotes all those rights which are inherent in our very nature and without which we cannot live as human beings." These are inalienable rights which belong equally to all the members of the human family and, as such, should be protected by the rule of law.

Role of legal profession in enforcement of human rights -

            The legal profession is a highly noble profession. It is a great profession with serious responsibilities.  Advocates/lawyers do not merely plead or represent their clients, or present the legal viewpoints but they also assist the courts in arriving the truth.
            As justice is the great interest of men on the earth and as the lawyer is the high priest at the shrine of justice, the quality of justice a to a very great extent depends on the moral quality of the lawyer. It is on his integrity and fairness that the sanctity of administration of justice depends.
          The legal profession aims to resist injustice. Whenever there is a violation of a legal right of somebody, lawyers should help that person to overcome it.

 The motto of the legal profession is that truth and Justice should prevail.

           The bar council of India Rules,  cast a duty upon the legal profession to help a litigant, who cannot afford the cost of litigation.  At the top, there is the supreme court Legal Aid committee.  in every High Court, there is a Legal Aid committee. In every State, there is the State Legal Services Authority and under this authority, in every district, there is a district legal services authority.  in every Taluka also there is a Taluka legal services authority.  from the Taluka to the Supreme Court level, legal camps, Legal Aid clinics,  Lok Adalats,  etc.  are held in different parts of the country,  including villages.  lawyers go and serve in  Lok Adalats,  legal camps,  legal clinics etc.  from time to time.

Legal Aid movement and Public Interest Litigation - 

     What is Public Interest Litigation?

                      Public Interest Litigation is a strategic arm the Legal Aid movement and is intended to bring justice within the reach of the poor masses, who constitute the low visibility area of humanity.  It is a totally different kind of litigation from the ordinary traditional litigation which is essentially of an adversary character. Where there is a dispute between two litigation parties,  One making claim for seeking relief against the other and the other opposing such claim or resisting such relief.  Public Interest Litigation is brought before the court, not for the purpose of enforcing the right of an individual against another as happens in the case of ordinary litigation,  but it is intended to promote and vindicate Public Interest which demands that violation of constitutional or legal rights of large number of people who are poor, ignorant or in socially economically disadvantaged position should not go unnoticed and redressed.

Legal Services Authority -

         The Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 has been enacted to constitute the Legal Services Authorities to provide free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the Society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organize Lok-Adalats to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on the basis of equal opportunity.

Composition and Functions of High Court Legal Services Committee

Constitution and Functions of the State Legal Services Authority.

Composition and Functions of District Legal Services Authority

Composition and Functions of Taluk Legal Service Authority

Lok Adalat -

             The word "Lok Adalat" means 'People's Court.The Legal Services Authority Act makes provisions in relation to the establishment, powers and functions etc. of the Lok Adalat. The Preamble of the act makes it clear that the it has been connected to constitutes the Legal Services Authorities to provide free and Competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities and organise Lok Adalats to secure that operation of the legal system promotes Justice on a basis of equal opportunity. See... Powers of Lok Adalats or Permanent Adalat

See in Detail......  Organisation of Lok Adalats under Legal Services Authorities Act 1987

                  Members of the legal profession can also file Public Interest Litigation. In Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra there are Social Justice centers. In which lawyers render their services. Three years back in Chennai, there was A case of gangrape upon a 17 years old girl. A Lawyer filed a public interest litigation for compensation for the mental and physical injuries and compensation. some 15 years back, there was a case of manhandling of a civil judge by some police officer. A Delhi based lawyers Association took up this matter before the supreme court. The Court had punished those officials.

See also 

   Classification of Human Rights [ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948]

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