Syllabus of [(BSL)BA,LLB] (Five Year ) of Pune university (2018)

First Year  

Semester - I

1. General English - I

2. Political Science - I

3. Economics

4. Sociology

Semester - II

1. General English - II

2. Political Science -II

3. Macro Economics, Policies & Practice

4. Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology

Second Year 

Semester - III

1. Legal Language and Legal Reasoning

2. Public Policy and Public Administration

3. Theories of Development and Indian Economy

4. Society in India

Semester - IV

1. Law and Literature

2. International Relations

3. Law and Economics

4. Social Research and Methods

Third Year  

Semester - V

1. Family Laws - I

2. Law of Crimes

3. Labour Laws

4. Optional papers (Any one)

a) Trust, Equity, and Fiduciary Relationship 

b) Criminology and Penology 

c) Women and Law and Law Relating to the Child

d) International Economic Laws

Semester -VI

1. Family Laws - II

2. Constitutional Law

3. Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Act

4. Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar-Bench Relations

Fourth Year 

Semester - VII

1. Law of Evidence

2. Environmental law Including Laws for Protection of Wild Life and other Living Creatures including animal welfare

3. Human Rights and International Laws

4. Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Disputes Resolution Systems

Semester - VIII

1. Jurisprudence

2. Property Law Including Transfer of Property Act and Easement Act

3. Public Interest Lawyering, Legal Aid and Para Legal Services

4. Optional Paper

a) Comparative Law

b) Insurance Law

c) Conflicts of Laws

d) Intellectual Property Law

Fifth Year 

Semester  - IX

1. The Code of Civil Procedure and Limitation

2. Land Laws including ceiling and other Local Laws

3. Interpretation of Statutes

4. Administrative Law

5. Optional

a) Law of Taxation

b) Banking Laws Including Negotiable Instrument Act

c) Co-operative Laws

d) Securities and Investment Laws

Semester - X

1. Code of Civil Procedure 1973 Juvenile Justice Act (Care and Protection of Children Act 2000 and Probation of Offenders.

2. Company Law

3. Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing

4. Practical Training (Moot Court, Pre Trial Preparations and Participation in Trial Proceedings) Viva, Internal

See also 

Jobs, career, Employment and Self Employment opportunities for Law Graduates 


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    اختصاصات محامي بالرياض

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