What is wrong which is contrary to right. Wrongful act which is a act which is contrary to the provisions of law.
Wrongs are based on the jurisprudence.
Wrongs can be classified into following categories -
There are two types of wrongs
1) moral wrongs
2) legal wrongs
2) legal wrongs
Moral wrongs are not actionable in the court on the other hand legal wrongs are actionable in court.
Legal wrongs also classified into two parts
1)Criminal wrongs
2)Civil wrongs
2)Civil wrongs
Criminal wrongs are the crime, against society at large whereas civil wrongs are those, which satisfies the condition of liabilities and are remedied by law, which include -
2)breach of trust
3)breach of contract
4)breach of equitable obligations.
2)breach of trust
3)breach of contract
4)breach of equitable obligations.
Question - How tort can be discharged? Explain various modes of discharging torts.
Essential elements to constitute tort..
Classification of torts
Difference between Tort and Breach of contract
The law of tort in India
Question - How tort can be discharged? Explain various modes of discharging torts.
Essential elements to constitute tort..
Classification of torts
Difference between Tort and Breach of contract
The law of tort in India
Law of Tort