M.Veerabhadra Rao Vs. Tek Chand (Professional misconduct)

 M.Veerabhadra Rao Vs. Tek Chand  -

                                    The appellant M.Veerbhadra Rao attested an affidavit which appears to be a forged one and which was used to obtain an unfair advantage by income tax clearance certificate on the strength of Ex.A-1 which did not appear to be genuine one. 
      The complainant alleged that he was caused wrongful loss.The State Bar Council referred this complaint to the disciplinary committee.Having found the Appellant guilty of serious misconduct namely, attesting an affidavit which appears to be a forged one, the committee imposed reprimand by developing cold feet.

            The appellant appealed to Bar Council of India and it affirmed the order made by the state committee. Then the appellant filed an appeal to the court Supreme Court.

            The Supreme Court held that appellant violated his statutory duty and he was also acted in the manner unbecoming of a member of the noble profession.  He has knowingly become a party to the forgery of a very valuable document and he has by his conduct facilitated the commission of a fraud which would to some extent benefit his senior M. Ram Mohan Rao.

           While awarding the punishment,  the Supreme Court deferred with the Bar Council and directed the appellant shall be suspended from practice for a period of 5 years by considering the gravity of the misconduct and the appeal was dismissed.


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