Legal literary and Objects of Legal literacy

Legal literary  and Objects of Legal literacy


Definition of legal literacy

Literacy is ability to use printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one's  goals and to develop one's  knowledge and potential". In recent years, focus of literacy has changed from an imphasis on level of schooling to focus on functional skills.
   Therefore the current courtroom, literacy is the ability to use printed and written information to function in the courts and to achieve one's  goals related to the justice system. Even if a person is literate enough to deal with daily routines, he or she may not be a literate enough to understand the language and procedure in the Court.
Laird Hunter, in reading the legal world register following ideal operational definition of legal literacy.
"People using the legal system must be able to guide themselves through a process that they understand and at appropriate places along with the way,

1) Recognise they have a legal right or Responsibility, in order to exercise or assume it;
2) Recognise when a problem or conflict is a legal conflict and when a legal solution is available;
3) know how to take necessary action to avoid problems and where this is not possible, how to help themselves appropriately;
4) know how and where to find information on the law, and be able to find information that is accessible to them,
5) know when and how to obtain suitable legal assistant ;
6) have confidence that the legal system will provide a remedy, and
7 ) Understand the process clearly enough the perceive that justice has been done.

             Translating the information and meanings of the legal system to learners and the people with Limited literacy skills requires that lawyer and other clearly understand it dual nature of legal literacy ,the ability to read and familiarity with the legal context."

             Legal literacy is commonly understood as knowing the primary level in law. When citizens particularly marginalized or underprivileged groups, know what the law has to offer them, they can recognise and challenge injustices much more forcefully. The first step towards that knowledge of the law, which can transform people's lives,  is legal literacy. CHRI firmly believes  that it is essential to use this knowledge as a tool for vulnerable ground to be able to understand and   critique the law, to familiarise themselves with the scope of their rights under the law, and eventually to assert their rights as a means to take action and bring change. 

               With this aim in view, CHRI,  one of the NGO started its own legal literacy programme by preparing a series of pamphlets at flyer on citizens rights, while also interacting with the police so that they know now only their Rights, but also their duties, c h r i has disseminated information on the following
   police organisation

   how to register an FIR
  citizens right during detention and interrogation

  right of scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes

  citizens right to Legal Aid services

   citizen right to bail
                This has been done by the broadcasting confirmation through radio programmes, disturb distributing flyer and pamphlets , and organising the legal literacy camp for   women's microfinance enterprises and those groups who have a wide outreach. The aim has always been to educate the maximum number of people and capacity build from within the communities, so that they are in a position to educate others and more importantly, Challenge violations.


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