1) Contingent contract to do or not to do anything if a specified uncertain event does not happen within a fixed time become :
A) Void , if before the time fixed, such event becomes possible
B) Valid, if before the time fixed, such event becomes possible
C) Voidable, if before the time fixed, the promisor becomes lunatic
D) Illegal if before the time fixed, the promisor dies.
Answer : B
2) Which one of the following is correct as per Section 31 of the Indian Contract Act,1872 ?
A contingent contract is a -
A) contract to do something only if some event, collateral to such contract does not happen
B) Contract to do or not to do something if some event, collateral to such contract happens
C) Contract to do or not to do something if some event, collateral to such contract does not happen
D) Contract to do or not to do something if some event, collateral to such contract happen
Answer : B
3) A promises to paint a picture for B :
(Based on the performance of contracts)
A) A may employ a competent person to perform the promise .
B) Representatives of A may employ perform the promise
C) A's Son may perform the promise.
D) A must perform this promise personally
Answer : C
4) In the case of an alternative promise, one branch of which is legal and the other Illegal :
A) Such a promise can be enforced
B) Any of its branch cannot be enforced
C) The legal branch alone cannot be enforced
D) With the permission of the court , both the branches can be enforced.
Answer : C
5) A contracts to sing for B at a contract for rupees 1,000, which are paid in advance, A is too ill to sing ...
A) A is bound to make compensation to B for the loss of the profits which B would have made if A had been able to sing but not bound to refund 1,000 paid in advance.
B) A is neither bound to refund 1,000 rupees paid in advance nor is bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profits which B would have made if A has been able to sign
C) A is not bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profits which B would have to made if A has able to sing, but must refund to B 1,000 rupees , paid in advance.
D) A is not bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profit by which B would have made if A has been able to sing but must refund to B half of the amount paid in advance.
Answer : C