1) When a person has incurred expenses of rupees 5,000 for the necessaries supplied to the minor, he can recover the said amount from the :
A) Minor Personally
B) Property of the minor
C) Property of his guardian
D) None of the above.
Answer : B
2) Under the Indian Contract Act, some persons have the duty similar to that of a bailee. The relevant section in this regard is:
A) Section 69
B) Section 70
C) Section 71
D) Section 72
Answer : C
3) A tradesman leaves goods at B's residence by mistake. B treats the goods as his own and uses it. For the payment of this goods B is :
A) Bound
B) Not bound
C) Partly B
D) None of the above
Answer: A
4) What contract is created between a finder of Lost goods and its true owner ?
A) Contingent contract
B) Quasi Contract
C) Wagering contract.
D) Contract of guarantee
Answer : B
5) For the supply of necessaries to a minor :
A) He is personally liable.
B) Only his property is liable.
C) Both (A)and (B) are liable.
D) None of the above is liable
Answer : B