Objective Questions with Answers on Law Of Contract - 82

1) C agrees to appoint B at his clerk to sell goods at a yearly salary. Upon A's becoming surety to C for B's duty accounting for moneys received by him as such clerk. Afterwards, without A's knowledge or consent C and B agree that B should B paid by a commission on the goods sold by him and not by a fixed salary. A is :

A) Liable for subsequent misconduct of B

B) Not liable for subsequent misconduct of B

C) Both A and B

D) None of these

Answer : B

2) C the holder of overdue bill of exchange drawn by A surety for B and accepted by B. Contracts with A to give to B. A is :

A) Discharged

B) Not Discharged

C) A or B

D) None of these

Answer : B

3) A hires a carriage of B. The carriage is unselfe, though B is not aware of it, and A injured :

A) B is responsible to A for the injury

B) B is not responsible A for the injury

C) The state Government is responsible to A for injury

D) None of these

Answer : A

4) A bails a barrel of cape flour worth Rs. 45 to B. B without A's consent, mixes the flour with country flour of his own, worth Rs. 25 a barrel

A) B must compensate A for the loss of his flour

B) B must compensate A for 1/2 the loss of his flour

C) B Not to compensate A

D) None of these

Answer : A

5) A without B's authority, lends B's money to C. Afterwards B accepts interest on the money from C. B's conduct

A) Implies a ratification of the lone

B) Not Implies a ratification of the loan

C) Implies a termination of the loan

D) None of these

Answer : A

6) A authorizes B to buy 500 sheep for him. B buys 500 sheep and 200 lambs for one sum of 6,000 rupees. A may repudiated

A) The whole transaction

B) The transaction to lambs

C) The transaction to sheep

D) None of these

Answer : A


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