Memorandum of Appeal
Before the Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council of India.
Under Section 37 of Advocates Act, 1961
Under Section 37 of Advocates Act, 1961
.......................... Appellant
............................ Respondent
(1) (a) Appellant.........................son of ................................ residing at...........................Age.......(to be filled in )......................
The Appellant appears by Advocate Shri.............................................. Roll No. .................... Enrolled in the Bar Council of .......................................
The address for the service of Appellant is...............................................that of his Advocate..............................................
(b) Respondent(s).........................
Residing at..............................
(2) The Appellant files this Appeal against the order case No...............of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of...............................
(3) The complaint against the advocate, who is the Appellant/ Respondent in this appeal was filed the Bar Council of............................
The Bar Council referred the complaint for inquiry to its Disciplinary Committee on........................ The Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council to which the matter was referred has dismissed the complaint/ made an order for punishment against the Advocate, reprimanding him, suspending him/ Removing his name.
(4) The Committee has passed by and order for costs/ also passed and order for costs of Rs .............. payable
(5) The order of the Disciplinary Committee will come into operation w. e. f . ........................
(6) The Appellant has made no application to the disciplinary committee of the State Bar Council of.......................... The Appellant has made an application before the Disciplinary Committee of the State Bar Council of.......................... on......................which has made an order for stay up to ............................./which has dismissed the application for stay.
(7) Six copies of the order of the Disciplinary Committee of the State Bar Council on the stay application are filed with this appeal.
The order of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bar Council of........................... was received/ communicated to the applicant on...........................
The appeal is in time /(not in time )
The appeal is filed after the period of limitation and application for condonation of delay supported by an affidavit is filed herewith.
The applicant has paid Rs.100 /- fee for the appeal on...................
in cash is paying Rs.100/-.............................
in cash is paying Rs.100/-.............................
The Appellant files this appeal for the following amongst other grounds :
1) .................................................................
2) .................................................................
3) .................................................................etc
Appellant / Advocate for Appellant
Place :
Date :
Enclosures :