6 Types of Constitution

                    Constitution is a document having a special legal sanctity which sets out the framework and the principal functions of the organs of the Government of a state and declares the principles governing the operation of those organs.

Types of Constitution 
Here are Six Types of constitutions are as follows 

1) Federal and Unitary -

                 In Federal set up power is divided between different units and the center , each is protected from intervention by the other or others. In unitary system the units are subordinate to the center. Ultimate power Vests in Center like U.K. ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) 

2) Multilayered and Unitary -

               European Union is an example of Multilayered Constitution. In such system, the power is fragmented and dispersed downwards into units and also upwords into international organisation or even sideways to different kinds of decision making bodies like Courts, Parliament and different kinds of mechanisms like legal political, public or private.

3) Written and Unwritten - 

               Constitution maybe a in a document or many documents containing fundamental principles of the Government. U.K. does not have any such document but Magna Carta,  Petition of rights and Bill of Rights are Constitutional documents. Government of India Acts,1858, 1909, 1935 Indian Independence Act 1947 are all constitutional documents in India. Constitution of India 1950 is a written constitution.

4) Rigid and flexible

               It means change of Constitution by those in power. How easy it is? If it is easy it is flexible.  If for change special process is given , is rigid. Indian Constitution is partly rigid and partly flexible.

Parliamentary and Presidential types -

                Law making and execution is for two bodies in presidential form.  in USA Congress and President. The branches are separately chosen operate and removed.  President is head of Government and also of state.  In parliamentary form, executive is chosen and removed by legislature . Head of Government.  Head of State are different. Real power Vests in Head of Government. Head of State us almost a titular head with constitutional powers and political power.

Monarchy - Aristocracy - Democracy

                   Monarchy is the rule by one person. It is usually inherited from the family. It is very authoritative and powerful it does not depend on any temporary political force.  The monarchy have Quasi God like status. Aristocracy is a rule by group of best people. It is  rule by wisest, by wisdom. Democracy is rule by consent of the community.

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