Main characteristics of open prisons

            The main features of an open person institution may briefly be summarized as follows :---

1) it enables informal and institutional living in small groups with minimum measure of custody.

2) it efforts to promote consciousness among inmates about their social responsibilities.

3) it offers adequate facilities for training inmates in agriculture and other related occupations.

4) it provides greater opportunities for inmates to meet their relatives and friends so that they can solve their domestic problems by mutual discussion.

5) it allows liberal remissions to the extent of fifteen days in a month.

6) it make it possible to pay proper attention towards the health and recreational facilities for inmates.

7) the open jail institutions are managed by especially qualified and well trained personnel.

8) it provides improved diet with arrangement for special diet for weak and sick inmates.

9) it ensures payment of wages in part to the inmates and sending part of it to the his family

10) there is provision for financial assistance to inmates through liberal bank loans.

11) there is free and intimate contact between staff and the inmates and among the inmates themselves.

12) it considers regular and paid work for inmates under expert supervision as the best method of reformation of offenders; and

13) the avoidance of unduly long institutional detention of prisoners is the basic policy underlying the open jail.

See Also... Advantages of Open Prison

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