Utility of the Rjya-Sabha

             Rajya-Sabha or the Council of States is the Upper house of Union Parliament.  Rjya-Sabha is a continuous body.  Although the Rajya-Sabha is a permanent body but in respect of powers it enjoys inferior position vis-a-vis the Lok-Sabha . (See... Difference Between Lok-Sabha and Rjya-Sabha )

               A Money Bill can only be introduced in Lok-Sabha and Rajya-Sabha has no power in respect of a Money Bill. A vote of non confidence cannot be passed against the Government by the Rajya-Sabha. Even in case of Ordinary Bill if a deadlock is created between the Houses and the joint session is held then by virtue of the numerical strength the Lok-Sabha will be also to pass that Bill . In view of the weak position of The Upper house, constitutional Jurists question the wisdom of having the second chamber and they plead for its abolition.

           On the other hand, It is said that in a federal Constitution a second  chamber is a necessity and it plays an important role in matters of legislation.

 The Rajya-Sabha is desirable because of the following purposes

            1) It is considered useful because senior politicians and statesmen might get an easy access in it without undergoing the ordeal of general election necessary for the members of Lok-Sabha so that experience and talent is not lost to the country and they may discuss question of public interest.

            2) The Rajya-Sabha acts as a revising House over the Lok-Sabha which being a popular House may be tempted to act rather hastily keeping in view of public opinion. The existence of Rajya-Sabha stops the drastic changes in the law of the country made in the heat of momentary passion and affords opportunity for its consideration by delaying its adoption for a limited period.

            3)The Rajya-Sabha is a House where the States are represented keeping with the federal principles [ Article 83(a)(b)].

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