Lok Adalat is another alternative to Judicial Justice. The word Lok Adalat means People's Court. It is One of the Component of ADR system. The Legal services Authorities Act makes provisions in Relation to the establishment, powers and Functions of the Lok Adalat.
Difference Between Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat
Difference Between Lok Adalat and Permanent Lok Adalat
Permanent Lok Adalat
Lok Adalat
1. |
Permanent Lok-Adalat is Permanent, It is permanent in nature. |
Lok-Adalat is temporary in nature. |
2. |
Any Party to a dispute may make an application to the Permanent Lok-Adalat
for settlement of the dispute before the dispute is brought before any Court.
In Lok-Adalat, there is no such Condition like Permanent Adalat. |
3. |
Permanent Adalat has jurisdiction in respect of one or more public utility services as defined in clause (b) of Section 22A. [Legal services Authority (Amendment) Act, 2002] |
A Lok-Adalat has Jurisdiction to determine and arrive at a compromise or settlement between the Parties to a dispute in respect of –
case pending before ; or
2. Any
matter which is falling within the Jurisdiction of and is not brought before,
any court for which the lok-Adalat is organized. However, The Lok-Adalat has
no Jurisdiction in respect of any case relating to an offence which is not
compoundable under any law.
4. |
Jurisdiction of Permanent Lok-Adalat is limited to the matter where the value of the Property in dispute does not exceed ten lakh rupees. This limit may be increased by the central Government in consultation with the Central Authority. |
In case of the Lok-Adalat there is no such limitation . |