Meaning, Definition and Types of International Treaties

Introduction : 

            In the modern period, International Treaties are the most Important Sources of International Law. A treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement between two or more states there are two types of International Treaties 1) Law Making Treaty and another 2)Treaty Contracts

Meaning :

               A Treaty means a formal agreement between two or more Independent Nations with reference to peace, alliance, commerce or other International relations.

Definition :

          A treaty is defined under Article 2 of Vienna Convention on the law of treaties 1969, " A treaty is an agreement whereby two or more States established or seek to establish the relationship between them governed by International Law. It is reduced form of International treaties. Treaties are an agreement between the Independent States creating rights and obligation. There are bilateral or multilateral treaties based on the numbers of States.
Types of Treaties:
                     International Treaties may be divided into two groups 1) Law making Treaty 2) Treaty Contracts

1) Law making Treaty-

                           Law making treaties are those treaties which are entered into by a large number of States. These are the direct source of International Law. These treaties are binding. Law making treaties may be divided into i) treaty giving the rule of Universal International Law. ii) Treaty giving general principles.

              (i)  Treaty giving the rule of Universal International Law - These treaties are signed by a majority of the State. For Example United Nation Charter.

             (ii) Treaty giving general principles - These treaties are entered into and signed by a large number of countries giving thereby general principles of International Like. Geneva Convention on Law of sea and Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961are examples of such a treaty.

2) Treaty Contracts:

                             These are the treaties which are entered into by two or more States. The provisions of such treaties are binding only on the parties to the treaty. Such type of treaties are also sources of International Law because they help in the development of customary rules of International Law.

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