When the third party participates in the discussion along with the disputant States and also gives its own proposals or suggestions in resolving the dispute, it is called as Mediation.
When a dispute is referred to a Commission of persons to investigate the basis of dispute and to make a report containing proposals for settlement after finding out the facts, this process is known as conciliation.
The Mediation presupposes the active participation of the third State in Negotiations, but the mediator's suggestions have no binding force and the parties are free to accept or reject or modify them.
Proposals of the Commission are not binding on the States. Disputant States are free to accept or reject it.
Article 34 and 35 of the Charter also provide for collective mediation on the part of United Nations whenever there is a situation which might lead to international friction.
The General Assembly under Article 10, Article 14, and the Security Council under Article 34 may appoint a commission to conciliate a dispute.
Soviet Union President Kosygin mediated in the Dispute between India and Pakistan which resulted in the conclusion of Tashkant agreement in 1966.