Duties of Judges

            Judge is a public officer who hears and decides cases, settling the dispute in the court of law. There is no office in the State of such power as that of the Judge. Judges hold power which is immensely greater than that of any other functionary.

Duties of Judges 

1) A person who is acting as a Judge in the Court of Law must discharge his duties without fear or favor, ill will or affection.

2) A Judge must be impartial and must do everything for justice and nothing for himself or his friends or relatives.

3) A Judge should have patience and gravity of heating. He should allow the advocate or party fullest opportunity to present case.

4) A Judge should respect the Privilege of Bar.

5) A Judge should sit with a receptive mind. No Judge should form the opinion regarding the merit of the case till he heard the parties.

6) No Judge Should desire that the Bar Should be servile

7) A Judge must not allow himself to be subjected to any influence other than the influence of law and justice of the cause.

8) A Judge should avoid a controversial manner or tone in addressing controversial manner or tone in addressing counsel litigant or witness.

9) A Judge should avoid interruption in the Counsel in their argument and in the examination of the witness.

10) An important duty which the judge owes to the Bar is of consideration and courtesy. He should possess calm temper.  


  1. As judge one case up to how many vaidya he can give to any cases..

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