Intervention : Meaning and Kinds of Intervention

1) Intervention -
         Intervention is dictatorial interference by a state in the affairs of another state for the purpose of maintaining or altering the actual condition of things. The intervention prohibited by international law is actually defined as dictatorial interference by a state in the affairs of another state. A Dictatorial interference is an interference by the threat or use of force...... it is evident that general International Law does not prohibit intervention under all circumstances:  forcible interference in the sphere of interest of another State is permitted as a reaction against a violation of International law.
There are three different kinds of intervention which are Internal, External and Punitive.

2) Provision in the United Nations Charter 

     Article 2 of the United Nations charter implicitly prohibits intervention on the part of Individual State when it ordains the members to refrain in the International relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State.  International Law, however, permits intervention as dictatorial interference by one State in the affairs of another State, "only as reaction of former against violation of its right by the latter.  Such a doctrine is possible only if the bellum justum principle is recognized.

3) Kinds of Intervention  

There are three different kinds of intervention which are Internal, External and Punitive

     (I) Internal -

             It is the interference by one state between the disputing sections of the community in another State either for protection of legitimate Government or the insurgent. In the year 1936 number of States intervened in the civil war of Spain.         

     (II) External -

              It is the intervention by one state in the relations --- generally of the hostile relations--- of other States. It is, in other words, an intervention in the Foreign Affairs of another State, such intervention being directed against hostile relations of such State.  This kind of intervention is tantamount to the declaration of War. The entry of Italy in the Second World War siding with Germany against Great Britain provided an example of external intervention.      

     (III) Punitive -

              It is a punitive measure falling short of War and is in the nature of a reprisal for an injury suffered at the hands of another State. It is frequently carried out by stronger Nations towards weaker nations. A Pacific blocked to compel the observance of Treaty engagements or to redress some breach of the law of affords an illustration of this type of intervention.

See also 

     Dualism Theory / Dualistic Theory

    Monism Theory / Monistic Theory


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