Standing committee (Employees State Insurance Corporation 1948) | Labor Law

Introduction - 

            The Employees State Insurance Act,1948  is a great landmark in the history of social security legislation in India. Its object is to protect the interest of workers and their families, who are exposed to the risks of sickness, employment injury, occupational diseases and Maternity in case of female employees. Section 3 to 25 of the Employees State Insurance Act 1948 lays down the provisions relating to the Employees State Insurance Corporation, Standing Committee and Medical benefit Council. Section 3 to7 of the said Act lays down the provisions relating to Employees State Insurance Corporation.

Constitution of standing committee (Section 8) - 

        A Standing Committee of the Corporation shall be constituted from among its members, consisting of-

         (a) A Chairman, appointed by the Central Government;

         (b) Three members of the Corporation appointed by the Central Government;

        (bb) Three members of the Corporation representing such three State Governments thereon as the Central Government may, by notification Gazette, specify from time to time;

         (c) Eight members elected by the Corporation as follows- 

                        (i) Omitted
                       (ii) Three members from among the members of the Corporation representing employers;
                      (iii) Three] members from among the members of the Corporation representing employees;
                       (iv) One member from among the members of the Corporation representing the medical profession; and

                       (v) One member from among the members of the Corporation elected by Parliament;

          (d) The Director General of the Corporation, ex officio.

Term of office (Section 9) 

             (1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, the term of office of a member of the Standing Committee, other than a member referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (bb) of section 8, shall be two years from the date on which his election is notified:

PROVIDED that a member of the Standing Committee shall, notwithstanding the expiry of the said period of two years, continue to hold office until the election of his successor is notified:

PROVIDED FURTHER that a member of the Standing Committee shall cease to hold office when he ceases to be a member of the Corporation.

             (2) A member of the Standing Committee referred to in clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (bb) of section 8 shall hold office during the pleasure of the Central Government. 

Powers of standing committee 

              Standing committee is constituted to administer the affairs of the corporation. It is to function in accordance with the regulations framed by the corporation. Its activities are controlled and supervised by the corporation. The committee has powers to administer the affairs of the corporations under the general provisions and matters as specified in the regulations for the corporation's consideration and decision.

See also...

Medical Benefit Council 

Employees State Insurance Corporation (E.S.I.C)


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