United Nations principles for older persons based on International plan of action on aging | Human Rights


      Aged people are better known as senior citizens and in that capacity, they are given some concessions. Aging has become a worldwide problem today. Aged people have problems which are different.  Sometimes they are neglected by their own family. Such people required to be given humanitarian treatment, and good medical relief also.
         The United Nations Organisation is alert about the situation of the aged persons.  On 16 December 1991, The general assembly of the United Nations has framed and adopted certain principles for the better existence of aged persons which are based on the International Plan of Action on Aging. These principles are solicited by the United Nations to be incorporated by the governments of different nations of the world to incorporate in their National programmes.

United Nations principles for older persons based on International plan of action on aging - 

          On 16 December 1991, the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Principles for older persons based on International Plan of Action on Aging.  These Principles can be divided into five groups which are as follows -

1) Maintenance of independence of aged persons -

For the purpose of maintenance of independence of aged persons following things are essential-

       a) Aged people should have adequate access to food, water, shelter clothing and Healthcare through the provision of income, family and community support and self-help;

       b)  Aged people should have the opportunity to work or to have access to other income generating opportunities;

       c)  Aged people should have access to appropriate educational and training programs;

       d) They should be able to participate in determining when and at what place withdraw from the labor force takes place.

        e) They should be able to live in environments which are safe and adaptable to personal preference and exchanging capacities.

        f) They should be able to reside at home as long as possible.

See also...Position of Individuals as Subject of International Law

2) Principles for participation of older person in formulation and implementation of policies, etc 

         a) Aged people should remain integrated into society, participate actively in formation and implementation of policies which directly affect are their well-being, share their knowledge and skill with younger generations;

         b) They should be able to seek and develop opportunities for service in the community and to serve as volunteers in positions appropriate to their interest and capabilities.

         c) They should be able to for movements or associations of older persons.

3) Principles relating to family and community care -

       a) Aged people should have access to healthcare for helping themselves, maintaining or regaining the optimum level of physical, mental and emotional well-being to prevent or delay the onset of illness.

      b) They should benefit from family and community care and protection in accordance with  each system of cultural values of the society;

     c) Aged people should have access to social and legal services to and their autonomy, protection, and care;

      d) Aged people should be able to utilise appropriate level of Institutional care providing protection, rehabilitation and social and mental stimulation in a human and Secure environment.;

      e) Aged people should be able to enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms when residing in any shelter, care or treatment facility.
4) Principles related to their development and resources in society

       i) Opportunities for the development - Aged people should be able to pursue opportunities for the full development of their potential.

       ii) Access to the Educational, Cultural, Spiritual and recreational resources of society- Aged people should have access to the Educational, Cultural, Spiritual and recreational resources of society

5) Principles relating to the life of dignity -

      i) Dignity, security and freedom from exploitation - Aged people should be able to live in dignity and security and free of exploitation and physical and mental abuse. 

     ii) Freedom from discrimination - Aged people should be treated fairly regardless of age, gender, racial and ethnic background, disability or their status and be valued independently of their economic contribution.

See also 

Human Rights of Prisoners 

Human Rights of Dalits | Human Rights and International Law

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