Human Rights and International Law Solved Question Paper - 7

All questions are compulsory

1) Evaluate nature, origin and development of Human Rights. How they have been classified

>>>>  Origin and development of Human Rights

>>>> Classification of Human Rights [ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948


Discuss the silent features of international Covenant on civil and political rights

2) What are the human rights of disabled and children? How do the international instruments recognize these rights?

>>>>> What are the Human Rights of the Disabled Persons

>>>>> Human Rights of Children and International Instruments to Protect their Rights

>>>>> Human Rights of Children In India


National machinery is necessary for the effective realization of Human Rights, explain the role of National Human Rights Commission in India

>>>> The enforcement mechanism available in India for the Protection of Human Rights

>>>> Constitution Powers and Functions of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) 

3)  Write short notes on any two

A) State Responsibility

B) Rights of women

C) Human Rights of Children and International Instruments to Protect their Rights

D) Subjects of International Law

4) Classification of Human Rights [ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948]


Weaknesses and Defects of league of Nations

5) Explain the state succession and discuss their rights and duties arising out of state succession

>>>> What is meant by ‘State Succession’? What are Consequences of State Succession?

>>>> Kinds of State Succession


Explain the territorial jurisdiction of the state and what are the exceptions to it?

6)  Write an essay on war and crimes against peace


Discuss the composition jurisdiction and functions of International Court of Justice

>>>> The International Court of Justice (ICJ) | International Law

>>>> Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

>>>> Who can refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice 

7)  Write notes on any two

a) Pacta Sunt Servanda

b) Asylum >>>  Types / Kinds of Asylum

c) Functions of Treaty

d) Modes of Loss of Nationality


  1. Human Rights have evolved through centuries, originating from natural law and moral principles. They have been classified into civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, reflecting their progressive development. Exploring their classification reveals the interconnectedness of freedoms and responsibilities. For deeper insights, understanding legal frameworks is crucial, as it complements any law coursework writing service UK for academic discussions.

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