Law of Evidence Solved Question Paper - 18

All Questions are Compulsory

1) What are: fact, fact-in-issue and relevant fact. Distinguish between fact-in-issue and relevant fact.

>>>>> Meaning of Fact and the concept of fact in Issue

>>>>> Fact in issue and of relevant facts 

>>>>> Distinction Between Facts in Issue and relevant Facts


 Define Estoppel. Explain the difference between Estoppel And Admission. What is promissory estoppel?

>>>> Meaning and Kinds of Estoppel

>>>> What is Admission? Various provisions relating to admission

>>>> Difference Between an Admissions and Estoppel

2) Hearsay Evidence is No Evidence! Discuss in Detail 


Explain the Provisions in the Indian Evidence Act relating to burden of proof

3) Admission cannot be proved by or on behalf of the Person making them. Explain this rule, and its exceptions, and illustrate with your answer with examples.

>>>>>>> What is Admission? Who can make Admissions under the Indian Evidence Act 1872

4) Examination of Witnesses under the Indian Evidence Act 1872


A cross Examination can be much wider than an Examination-in-Chief. Discuss with reference to the types of questions which can be put to witness during cross-examination. 

 5) Explain the cases when the opinion of the third person are relevant 


What is Secondary Evidence? When it can be given?

6) Write notes on (any four)

i) Refreshing Memory and Rule of Refreshing memory

ii) Identification Parade 

iii) Facts which need not be proved 

iv) Presumption as to Dowry Death 

v) Relevancy of Character

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