Law of Evidence Solved Question Paper - 24

Attempt any five questions. Question No 9 carrying 20 March is compulsory

1)What do you mean by Evidence? Specify the various kinds of evidence also support with their relevant illustrations.

>>>>> Meaning and Definitions of Evidence

>>>>> Kinds of Evidence

2) Discuss the kinds of presumption. And distinguish between "presumption of law and description of fact"

>>>>> Various Presumptions as to Documents Under the Indian Evidence Act 1872

>>>>> Classification of Presumptions under the Indian Evidence Act 1872

>>>>> Distinction between Presumption of Fact and Presumption of Law

3) Explain the Importance of Documentary Evidence and state the reasons of exclusion of oral by documentary evidence

>>>>> Meaning and Kinds of Documentary Evidence

>>>>>"Documents" under the Indian Evidence Act,1872

4) Elaborate the principle of Estoppel under the Evidence Act. support your answer with Illustrations.

>>>> Meaning and Kinds of Estoppel

>>>> The Doctrine of Estoppel Under Indian Evidence Act.

>>>> Difference Between an Admissions and Estoppel

5) What do you understand the term confession? Discuss the Evidentiary Value of confession with supporting and illustrative cases.

6) Attempt the following -

a) Hearsay evidence

b) Order of Production and examination of witnesses.

7) Discuss "burden of proof" in detail and also state its importance in proving the legitimacy of birth during marriage. 

8) Explain the provisions relating to refreshing memory when the court may allow witness to refresh the memory? Support with illustration

9) Write short notes on any two

a) Electronic evidence

b) Leading questions

c) Dumb witnesses

d) Facts which need not be proved

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