Silent features of The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI)

          Right to Information Act is enacted to provide for setting out practical regimes of Right to Information for citizens to secure access to information under control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in working of every public authority.  The President of India gave his assent to this law on 15th June 2005 in the Gazette of India extraordinary and came into force on 12th October 2005.

Silent features of The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) -

   Silent features of The Right to Information act 2005 are as follows -

1. Right to Information Act came into force on 12th October 2005

2. The Right to Information Act 2005 is applicable to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

3. This act gives an important right to the citizen of India to seek information from the public authority, such as government organizations, department, local bodies etc.

4. Non-government organizations can also be brought under its Ambit and declared as public authorities.

5. The citizen of India can seek inspection of works, documents record certified copies of documents etc.

6. Information for this act means any material in any form including documents, records, email memos etc.

7. Such information is available free of cost to the citizens of India who are below the poverty line indicating the intention of the government to be open to citizens irrespective of the social of financial status, whereas others have to pay the normal fees of Rupees 10 per application.

8. The public authorities are required to designate senior officers as Central / State Public Information Officers who would be responsible for disposal of request received under the Act 2005.

9. Right to Information Act provides for designation of Central/State Assistant Public Information Officer would be available at the sub-divisional officer to receive the applications and appeals for further transmission to Central/State Public Information Officer.

10.  The citizen of India can file an application for getting information along with fee to Central/ State Public Information Officer.

11.  The people of India can also get assistance from these officers in writing down the request and filling of application.

12.  The public authorities cannot ask the reason for seeking information from the applicant nor they can question the locus standi of the applicant.

13.  The Right to Information Act provides, that a citizen should get information about life or Liberty cases in 48 hours while in other cases the information has to be given in a period of 30 days except in certain cases. Five days shall be added to the above response time, If the interest of the third party is involved then the time limit will be 40 days

14. In case failure to provide information within the specified period is deemed refusal and the applicants can file an appeal with the appellate authorities.

15. It is mandatory for public authorities to publish within 120 days of enactment of the act 17 types of manual such as duties of its officers, the procedure followed etc.

16. Right to Information Act also defines certain cases where information can be withheld such as concerning security, the integrity of India, privilege of Parliament etc.

17. It also provides an exception to 18 Intelligence and security Organisation established by the central government.

18.  This act safeguards the third party rights of information.

19. It provides for two-tier system for Appeals. The appeal filed with the first appellate authority are to be disposed off in a time-bound manner within 30 days and not more than 45 days.

20. Third party Appeal largest Central / State Public Information Officer must be filed within 30 days before first appeal authority and within 90 days of decision on first appeal.

21. The Right to Information Act provides for constitution of Central information commission at center and state information Commission in the state.

22. According to the provision of the Right to Information Act commissions are empowered to give compensation.

23. The commission can impose penalty upon the central state Information Officer in case of delay rupees 250Parde subject to maximum of rupees 25000/-.

24. Lower courts are barred from entering suit or appeal against any order made under The Right to Information Act. The writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the high court under article 32 and article 226 of the Constitution remains unaffected.

See also...

1. Important provisions of Right to Information(RTI) Act, 2005

2. Main features of the Lokpal and Lokayukta

3. Jurisdiction of Lokpal in respect of inquiry (Lokpal Act)

4. Matters which cannot be taken under PIL (Public Interest Litigation)

5. What Properties are not liable to attachment and Sale in execution of a Decree?


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