What is the Remedial Statute, Difference between Remedial Statute and Penal Statute

1) What is Statute? 

    Before we see Remedial Statute lets See what is Statute, According to Black's Dictionary meaning,  "A  Statute is a formal written enactment of Legislative authority that governs a country, state, city or county. In Simple words, it is the Law, Enactment, Act. There are Several Types of Statutes, Such as Temporary Statute, Perpetual Statute, Consolidating Statute, Codifying Status, Fiscal Statute, Remedial Statute, Penal Statute, Declaratory Statute.  Generally, Statute can be classified with reference to its duration, Method, Object, and extent of Application.

2) Remedial Statutes - 

       Remedial Statutes are those statutes which provide the remedy for a wrongful act in the form of damages or compensation to the aggrieved party but do not make a wrongdoer liable for any penalty.  This types of Statute are beneficial to the weaker section of the society. The remedial statute is one whereby new favor or a new remedy is conferred

         They are directed towards extending certain benefit to particular class of society...  Therefore they are also called as welfare legislation, for example, industrial dispute act 1947 workmen compensation act 1923, Consumer Protection Act 1986.

3) Difference Between Remedial Statute and Penal Statute - 


Remedial  statutes

Penal  statutes


Remedial Statutes deal with the wrongs against an individual.

Penal Statutes deal with the wrongs against the State.


They deal with those matters which affect the Individual only

They deal with those matters which affect the whole community.


Remedial Statutes provides a remedy for infringement of private civil rights of an individual.

Whereas Penal Statutes provides punishment for public wrong


Remedial Statutes deals with such wrongful acts for which remedy is civil action.

Remedial Statutes deal with such wrongful acts, the commission of which attracts punitive (Penal) action.


The remedy for wrongful acts in the form of damages or compensation to the aggrieved party but the wrongdoer is not held liable for any penalty

Penalty such as imprisonment, fine, forfeiture etc.is imposed on the offender


Duty is fixed by party

Duty is fixed by the State


The injured party takes action

State takes action and state is a prosecuting agency.


Proof of negligence is sufficient

Negligence along with criminal intention must be proved to constitute an offense or crime


The remedial statutes receive liberal or beneficent construction.

Negligence along with criminal intention must be proved to constitute an offense or crime


Remedial statutes are also known as welfare, beneficent or social justice oriented legislation

Penal statutes are called as penal


Remedial statutes are enforced by law when suit id field by the aggrieved person in civil court or in the tribunal

In case violation of penal  law, state initiate the action against the criminal courts


The doubt is resolved in favor of the class of person for whose benefit the statute  is enacted

The doubt is resolved in favor of the alleged offender

See also...


  1. 1 Small change in the difference/distinction table

    Point no 9- of Penal statutes should be
    The Penal statutes are strictly constructed.

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