Distinction/Difference between Inquiry and Trial

 What is Inquiry - 

         According to Section 20(g) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, "inquiry" means every inquiry, other than a trial, conducted under this Code (Code of Criminal Procedure 1973)by a Magistrate or Court.

 What is Trial - 

             The term Trial has not been defined in the Code of Criminal Procedure. According to Wharton's Law lexicon, trial means the hearing of a case, civil aur criminal, before a Judge who has jurisdiction over it. A Trial does not include judgment.

Distinction/Difference between Inquiry and Trial  -

 Both Inquiry and Trial are Judicial functions, but they differ as follows -



An inquiry does not necessarily mean an inquiry into an offense for it may relate to matters which are not offenses.

Whereas A trial, on the other hand, is always of an offense


An inquiry in respect of an offense never ends in conviction or acquittal; at the most, it may result in discharge or commitment of the case to sessions.

While a trial must invariably end in acquittal or conviction of the accused.


Inquiry precedes Trial

A trial follows an inquiry


An inquiry is the second stage in a criminal case

A trial is the third stage in a criminal case.


The inquiry includes every inquiry other than a trial conducted under the Code of Criminal Procedure by a Magistrate or a Court.

While a Trial is the examination and determination of a cause by a judicial tribunal which has jurisdiction over it.

See also...


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