Objective Questions with Answers (MCQ) on The Constitution of India - 3

 1) Which schedule of the Constitution makes special provisions for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes?

A) Fifth Schedule

B) Seventh Schedule

C) the Third Schedule 

D) None of above

Answer: A) Fifth Schedule

2) Which schedule of the Constitution makes provisions for the administration of Tribal Areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura 

A) Fifth Schedule

B) Second Schedule 

C) Sixth Schedule

D) All of the above 

Answer: C) Sixth Schedule

3) A major portion of the Constitution of India is derived from the...

A) THE US Constitution

B) From England Culture 

C) Uzbekistan Constitution

D) Government of India Act, 1935

Answer - D) Government of India Act, 1935

4) A Bill passed by the Legislative Assembly of a State can be delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of?

A) One Month 

B) Three Month 

C) 1/2 Month 

D) None of the above

Answer - B) Three month

5) According to the provisions of Article 243, which category of person do not have mandatory reservations of seats in Panchayats?

A) Minority 

B) Muslim 

C) Buddhist

D) Backward Classes

Answer - D) Backward Classes

6) The minimum age prescribed for election as a member of panchayat is...

A) 18 Years

B) 22 Years

C) 21 Years

D) 15 Years

Answer: C) 21 years

7) Which of the following is not a fundamental right in the Constitution of India?  

a) Right to work 

b) Right to Equality, 

c) Right to Freedom, 

d) Right to Freedom of Religion, 

e) Right to Property.

Answer: e) Right to Property. 

(Explanation - The Indian Constitution does not recognize property rights as fundamental rights. In the year 1977. Right to work, The Fundamental Rights are dealt under part III, Article 12-35 of the Indian Constitution.  In the original Constitution, there are 7 fundamental Rights. But as per the 44th constitutional amendment of 1978, the Right to property was made only as a legal right and deleted. from the list of Fundamental Rights.  The Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution...

 1) Right to Equality (Article 14-18) 

2) Right to Freedom (Article 19-22) 

3) Right against exploitation (Article 23-24) 

4) Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28) 

5) Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29-30) 

6) Right to Constitutional Remedies 

8) The Panchayath Raj system came in existence by the __ ? 

A) 52nd Constitutional Amendment 

B) 73rd Constitutional Amendment

C) 42nd Constitutional Amendment 

D) 26th Constitutional Amendment 

Answer: B) 73rd Constitutional Amendment. 

Explanation -  The 73rd amendment of 1992 of Indian Constitution made provisions for the creation of Panchayathi Raj system.  The 74th amendment Act of 1992 (came in existence on 1993) of Indian Constitution made provisions for the creation of Urban local bodies (Nagarapalika Bill). In the year 1976 as per the 42nd amendment, the words Socialism, Secularism, Unity and Integrity were added to the preamble of the Indian Constitution. The Fundamental Duties were also incorporated as per the 42nd amendment . 

9) Fundamental Rights have no value without? 

A) Right to Constitutional Remedies

B) Right to Freedom 

C) Right to Property 

D) Right to Freedom of Religion 

Answer: A) Right to Constitutional Remedies 

Explanation - Right to Constitutional Remedies is included as a Fundamental Right in Article 32-35.  As per the provision of the right, the Supreme Court has the power to issue orders/Writs to safeguard the Fundamental Rights. There are 5 types of writs: 

1) Habeas Corpus- literally means 'to have the body' 

2) Mandamus - literally means 'we command' - It is command of the Court to an official to perform official duties. 

3) Prohibition 

4) Certiorari 

5) Qua-Waranto 

Dr. Bhmrao.Ramji Ambedkar, the father of Indian constitution considers Article 32 as 'the heart and soul of Indian Constitution.

10) Who certifies a bill as a money bill when it goes to other house or for President's assent? 

A) Finance Minister 

B) Prime Minister 

C) Speaker of the House of People 

D) Speaker of the Council of states

Answer: D Speaker of the House of People 

Explanation - Speaker of the House of People/Lok sabha have the power to decide whether a bill is money bill or not. Article 110 of the Indian constitution describes about money bill. Money can be introduced only in Loksabha . •The Vice President of India is the Ex-Officio Chairman of the Council of States/Rajya Sabha.


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