Difference between Copyright and Patent

Introduction - 

 There are a few key differences between copyright and patent law. Copyright law protects creative works, such as books, music, and art. On the other hand, Patent law protects inventions and ideas. Copyright law is designed to encourage creativity, while patent law is designed to encourage innovation.

Difference between Copyright and Patent -



What is Copyright?

Copyright law protects creative works from being copied without the permission of the creator.

What is a Patent?

Patent law, on the other hand, protects inventions and ideas.

For Example - If someone writes a book, they can prevent others from copying it without their permission.For example - If someone invents a new type of widget, they can prevent others from making or selling that widget without their permission.
Validity - Copyright law lasts for a limited time, typically the life of the creator plus 70 years. After that, the work enters the public domain and can be used by anyone.Validity - Patent law lasts for 20 years from the date of filing. After that, the invention enters the public domain and can be used by anyone.


So, in summary, copyright law protects creative works while patent law protects inventions and ideas. Copyright law lasts for a limited time, while patent law lasts for 20 years.

See Also...

Difference between Patent and Trademark

Patent Law : Rights of co-owners of patents

Patents of addition: Terms and Validity of patents of addition

Difference between Copyright, Patent and Trademark


  1. both are sem mostly and copyright and patents should be illegal because the person doing hardwork on his content sould have the righ to make money from that like proofreading and editing service service have a platform and they write their content by themselves and dont allow others to copy that. and the really have the best stuff on their site.

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