Difference between Corporal Property and Incorporeal Property

Introduction - 

Corporeal property and incorporeal property are two different property types that differ in many ways. Understanding the difference between these two types of property is important. Corporal property is tangible in nature, while the incorporeal property is intangible in nature. Corporal property can have physical presence or absence in the real world, whereas incorporeal property cannot have physical presence or absence.

Corporeal property - 

    Corporal property is a right of ownership on material things or tangible things it means things that can be touched and seen such as cars, houses, clothes, and furniture.  Corporeal property is divided into two heads. Movable property and immovable property. 

Incorporeal property - 

    Incorporeal property means all the rights except over a material thing it cannot be seen or touched. For Example Trademark, Copyright,  Patent, Goodwill, Stock, Bonds etc.

      The definition of incorporeal property has been given by Sir William Anson in his famous work on the Law of property (Anson’s law of contract) as “the term incorporeal property includes every description of interest which can exists apart from the ownership and possession of land or corporeal things.”

 Difference between Corporal Property and Incorporeal Property


Corporal Property 

Incorporeal Property


When a right is held by, or over some corporeal thing, it is called corporeal right as when one owns a land or house. It can touched and seen. Incorporeal property refers to those rights which cannot be seen and touched


Recognizable object like a piece of land or house is an example of corporeal property. Examples of Incorporeal Property are copyright, Trademark, goodwill and franchise, Internet domain names and digital content. etc.


Corporeal property can be divided into two subdivisions - Movable and immovable.Incorporeal property cannot be seen or touched; it exists only in the mind.


Corporal property is tangible and moveable. On the other hand Incorporeal property is intangible and immoveable.


Physical objects are considered as corporeal property Onthe other hand, intellectual properties are considered as incorporeal property.

Conclusion - 

 Corporeal Property and Incorporeal Property are categorized on the basis of recognition of Property.  These terms represent different types of properties.


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