What is Natural Law

    In order to have a real scientific understanding of Natural Law, we will start by exploring the Law of Nature. It's a self-evident statement that says that if a thing is natural then it must be right in its own nature. If something is wrong with your body, then you need to keep in mind that it's not yours but it's natural and nothing about it is wrong.

     The very existence of God, the Creator, is the first fact and basic principle of natural law. Natural law is universal, immutable, and permanent. Natural Law is the way some people understand morality.

      Natural Law, is a concept created by philosophers, scientists, and religious thinkers to describe principles that are considered to be “right” or “good” by both religion and secular thought.

Natural Law or Moral Law

  Natural Law refers to the Principles of Natural right and wrong and the Principle of Natural Justice. Here, we must use the term 'justice' in the widest sense to include all forms of rightful action. Natural Law is also called Divine Law or Law of Reason or The Universal Law and Eternal Law. This law is a Command Of God imposed on Men. 

   Natural Law is established by the reason by which the world is governed, it is an unwritten law and it has existed since the beginning of the world hence, is also called Eternal Law. This law is called Natural Law as its principles are supposed to laid down by god for the guidance of man. It is called Rational Thought because it is based on reason. Natural Law is unwritten as we do not find it in any type of Code.  (Therefore, Natural law exists only in an ideal State and differs from the law Of a State. The philosophy of Natural law has inspired legislation and the use of reason in formulating a system of law.

Conclusion - 

Natural Law can be figured out just by thinking. The Natural Law tells us how we should live our lives and what kind of laws we should make in society.


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