Sources of Administrative Law in India

Introduction -

     Administrative Law is a branch of law that deals with the a lot of issues related to the administration of decisions. Administrative law in India is the body of laws relating to the administration of civil, criminal and administrative justice in India. There are number of sources of Administrative Law, here we are going to see Sources of Administrative Law in India. Before we start lets see in brief what is Administrative Law?

What is Administrative Law -  

Administrative law is the body of law that governs how agencies and other administrative bodies (For example departments, and commissions) carry out their roles in relation to the public they serve.Administrative law is enacted by administrative agencies like parliament, Judiciary etc.

See Some important Definitions of Administrative Law >>> Important Definitions of Administrative Law 

Sources of Administrative Law in India - 

    There are four main sources of Administrative Law in India - The Indian Constitution, Acts and Statutes, Ordinances, Administrative Directions, Notifications, Circulars, and Judicial Decisions.  

1) The Constitution of India - 

     India has a constitutional provision for administrative tribunals, which may be constituted by the President and exercise of other powers delegated to them by the Central Government. In India, The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. The same was adopted by the Parliament of India. Constitution has secured global recognition for India as a leading democracy and an emerging economic superpower. It is the main source of Administrative Law in India.

2) Acts and Statutes - 

    As we know that Administrative law is the body of rules and guidelines that make up the legal system of a country. Acts and Statutes is another Source of Administrative Law

3) Ordinance, Administrative Directions, Notifications, and Circulars  - 

     Ordinance, Administrative Directions, Notifications, and Circulars are documents used by different government department to make a law in their country. these documents are also called as A.D or ministerial orders. The main purpose of these documents is to establish a legal framework for discharging the law, developing legal policy, or regulating activities by local government bodies. 

4) Judicial Decisions - 

    Judicial decisions are important in the legal system. Judicial decisions are the final word on subjects covered by law. They provide a form of legal precedent and create binding rules of law that can be used in other cases.

Conclusion - 

Administrative law is the body of law that governs governing agency actions. The four major sources of administrative law in India are The Indian Constitution, Acts and Statutes, Ordinances, Administrative Directions, Notifications, Circulars, and Judicial Decisions.  

See Also...

1. Delegated Legislation: Meaning and Definition of Delegated Legislation 

2. Meaning Definition and main functions of Administrative law

3. Consultation: Meaning Definition and Kinds of Consultation 

4. What is Administrative Law and what utility of Administrative Law

5. What is an Ombudsman? Origin, Characteristics and Need/Importance of Ombudsman 


  1. When I was studying law in India back in 2014, I used to dream about snakes on a daily basis. Later, after I successfully finished my studies, the dream disappeared. Later on, in 2019, I moved to pursue my law career in London, UK.

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