The Doctrine of Self-Preservation

Doctrine of self-preservation

"Self-preservation" means the preservation of oneself from harm or destruction. Self-preservation which was a concept in International Law has largely been discarded and replaced by the doctrine of necessity. 

The Doctrine of Preservation

  The doctrine of self-preservation is a legal principle that allows individuals to act in ways that would normally be considered unlawful or unethical in order to protect their own lives or the lives of others. This doctrine is based on the idea that in certain situations, the need to protect oneself or others from harm can justify actions that might otherwise be considered illegal or immoral.

The doctrine of self-preservation is often invoked in situations of emergency or crisis, where there is a need to act quickly and decisively in order to protect oneself or others from harm. It is also used to justify actions taken by individuals who are trying to defend themselves or others from an immediate threat of harm.

Like the doctrine of necessity, the doctrine of self-preservation is not a blanket defense that can be used to justify any action taken in the name of self-protection. It must be shown that the actions taken were necessary and that there was no other reasonable way to protect oneself or others from harm. The doctrine of self-preservation is typically only used in exceptional circumstances and is not intended to be used as a regular excuse for breaking the law.

See Also 

Doctrine of Necessity: Section 81 of the Indian Penal Code


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