
Doctrine of Eclipse

Doctrine Of Eclipse Meaning -      The Doctrine of Eclipse is based on the Principle that a law which violates Fundament…

Doctrine of Jus Cogens

Doctrine of Jus Cogens :                A treaty may be declared void if it conflicts with the general principl…

Pacta Sunt Servanda

What is Pacta Sunt Servanda?                                     Pacta Sunt Servanda is a Doctrine borrowed from Roman l…

Doctrine Of Pious Obligation

Meaning :                   Pious' means 'godly, religious, devout, reverential. 'Pious obligation' m…

Colourable legislation

Colorable legislation - The supreme court explained the meaning and scope of the doctrine colourable legislation in th…

Doctrine of merger

Doctrine of merger    Introduction : --          The doctrine of meager has been explained in S.101 under the c…

Lis pendens

Question- Discuss the principle underlying doctrine of Lis pendens ? Right short note on list pendens . or Ex…

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