Multiple choice Question (MCQ) on Public Interest Litigation and Human Rights
1. The main purpose of the United Nations is A. maintain internal peace and security B. economic activity amongst nations…
1. The main purpose of the United Nations is A. maintain internal peace and security B. economic activity amongst nations…
1] Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Preamble of the Constitution of the Indian Constitution - …
Introduction According to Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act 1872, "any person was born during the continuance…
Instructions to the candidate All Questions are compulsory Figures to the right indicate full marks Question No.7 …
Introduction - A healthy relationship between human rights and the Government is essential. If a man is not com…
1) Introduction - At an International level, the doctrine of gender justice is widely accepted. In the c…
Introduction - The world conference on human rights was held in Vienna in 1993 to deliberate on the issue of el…
Aged people are better known as senior citizens. Aging has become a worldwide problem today. Aged people have prob…
Introduction: Aged people are better known as senior citizens and in that capacity, they are given some concession…
1) Introduction - Right to Equality is a human right and this Human Rights has been adopted accepted in the …
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