Difference Between Insurance and Assurance
Insurance and assurance are quite similar, but there are thin lines of difference between them, as the insurance provides…
Insurance and assurance are quite similar, but there are thin lines of difference between them, as the insurance provides…
What is Insurance? Insurance is a contract between an individual or business and a third party that provides finan…
Introduction - The Insurance Act 1938 is enacted and enforced in the year 1938, same is applicable to all over India, Se…
Introduction - Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021 was enacted in the year 2021 and came into force on 25 January 2022. Th…
Introduction - Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021 was enacted in the year 2021 and came into force on 25 January 2022. Chapte…
Introduction - The Insurance Act was enacted and passed in the year 1938 and came into force in the year 1939. Section 6…
1) What is Reinsurance - Reinsurance is a risk transfer mechanism whereunder an insurance company passes on the r…
What is insurance - Insurance is a plan which ensures certainty of payment for the uncertain loss. The aim of all …
The test of a valid insurance contract is the existence of the insurable interest. Insurable interest is noth…
Multiple Type Questions and Answer...(Insurance Law) 1. Choose the correct option... A. In an insurance contract, a…
Introduction - Insurance is a Contract, there are two parties in the contract of Insurance, Insurer and Insured. The i…
Introduction - Insurance is a contract in which one party (the insurer) agrees for payment of consideratio…
What is Premium - It is the sum Payable (usually annually) by the insured to the insurer under a contract of insuranc…
What is Insurance? According to Justice Tindall, "Insurance is a contract in which a sum of money is pai…
Powers of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) - According to Section 26 of the Insurance…
Establishment of insurance regulatory and Development Authority of India - For reforms in the Insurance sector in o…
What is insurance - Insurance is a contract between two parties. Here one party is insured and another party …
Introduction - In our day-to-day life, we all anticipate various kinds of risks. No one can see an upcom…
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