Constitution and Powers of Employees’ Insurance Court (The Employees Insurance Act 1948)
This Employees State Insurance Act was enacted and enforced in the year 1948, It extends to the whole of India. Section 74 …
This Employees State Insurance Act was enacted and enforced in the year 1948, It extends to the whole of India. Section 74 …
1 ) Meaning and Definition of Trade Union - Generally, Trade Unions means "an association of wage earners/ workers…
Introduction - In India, Trade Unions are governed by The Trade Unions Act, 1926 which was primarily enacted to …
I) Introduction - The Industrial Dispute Act was passed in 1947 and the same come into force from 1st April 19…
Minimum Wages - The Term “Minimum wage” Literally Means “The minimum payment, an employer has to give to an emplo…
No. Minimum Wages Fair Wages 1) The Term “Minimum wage…
1) Introduction: According to Section 10 of the Factories Act, 1948 the State government may appoint qualifie…
1) Introduction : Among the Welfare legislations protecting the interest of the workmen employed in industrial e…
1) Introduction - The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which extends to the whole of India came into operation on 1st …
1) Introduction - The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 which extends to the whole of India came into operation o…
Introduction - The Employees State Insurance Act,1948 is a great landmark in the history of social securi…
1. Introduction - The Employees State Insurance Act,1948 is a great landmark in the history of social securi…
1) Introduction - The Employees State Insurance Act,1948 is a great landmark in the history of social security l…
1) Introduction - Amalgamation of Trade Union means "merger of two or more Trade Unions into one Trade Uni…
Introduction: The Trade Unions in India are governed by the Trade Unions Act, 1926 which was primarily enacted to …
Section 15 and 16 of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 lay down the provisions relating to the general fund and politica…
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