Practical Training - Professional Ethics, Accountancy for Lawyers and Bar Bench Relations | Solved Question Paper - 3
Write critical comment on any two - a) P.D. Khandekar Vs. Bar Council of Maharashtra (1984) 2 S.C.C 556. b) M.Vee…
Write critical comment on any two - a) P.D. Khandekar Vs. Bar Council of Maharashtra (1984) 2 S.C.C 556. b) M.Vee…
Que.1) Discuss any two of the following. (a) Development of Legal Profession in India . (b) Duties of an Advocate towa…
What is Error: Generally error means mistakes. Mistakes made by an accountant while recording business transacti…
1) What are Bar and Bench? (i) Bar : Advocates are enrolled by the State Bar Council as suc…
Advocates are officers of the Court, they are expected to assist the Court in the Administration of Justice. Advoc…
Judge is a public officer who hears and decides cases, settling the dispute in the court of law. There is no of…
An Advocate has greater responsibility to protect the Country and lead the Community because an Advocate is a pr…
1) Trace the development of legal profession in India 2) Examine the Duties of an Advocate towards the Court and Client…
1) Introduction In general parlance the term "Contempt" Signifies disrespect to which entitled to…
1) Introduction : Any act done or writing published calculated to bring a court or a Judge of the Court into …
Introduction : According to Section 29 to 34 of the Advocate Act, 1961, practice of advocate is Right…
1. Introduction : Section 42 of Advocates Act 1961, provides the Powers of Disciplinary Committee of a Bar Coun…
1. Introduction : According to the Section 29 to 34 of the Advocate Act, 1961, Practice o…
Advocate means an advocate entered in any roll under the provision of Advocate Act 1961. Chapter 3 of the A…
Constitution / organization / Composition of Bar Council of India : Section 4 (1) of the Advocate Act 1961 provi…
1) Introduction : Chapter II of Advocates Act 1961 deals with the State Bar Councils and the Bar Councils and the B…
Introduction : The Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 provides for the setting up of statutory legal servic…
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