What are the Declaratory Decrees and how the Court can use this Discretionary Power?
1) What is Declaratory Decree - A declaratory decree is a decree declaring the right of the plaintiff. Declaratory judg…
1) What is Declaratory Decree - A declaratory decree is a decree declaring the right of the plaintiff. Declaratory judg…
An injunction is a judicial process whereby a party is ordered to refrain from doing or to do a particular…
Specific Performance : According to Halsbury Specific performance is and equitable relief given by the court in ca…
A contract is an Agreement which is enforceable by law. Consideration is one of the essential element of a valid …
Rights of Purchaser : According to Section 13 of the Specific Relief Act 196 where a person contracts to sell o…
Rectification is the correction of a document if it does not correctly express the common intention of the part…
An Injunction is a judicial process whereby a party is ordered to refrain from doing or to do a particular ac…
What is an Injunction: According to Halsbury, An Injunction is a judicial process whereby a party is ordere…
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