Introduction - Section 5 of the Transfer of Property Act Defines the 'Transfer of Property and Section 6 of the said Act makes it...
Distinction Between English Mortgage and Mortgage by Conditional Sale
What is an English Mortgage? According to Section 58(e) of the Transfer of Property Act, where the mortgagor binds himself to repay the ...
Zuripeshgi Lease: Distinction Between Zuripeshgi Lease and Usufructuary Mortgage.
What is Zuripeshgi Lease Zunpeshgi Lease bears a close resemblance to a usufructuary mortgage. A Zuripeshgi lease means a lease for a lump ...
Usufructuary Mortgage : What is Usufructuary Mortgage and Characteristics of Usufructuary Mortgage?
A usufructuary mortgage is a form of ownership in which the owner of land gives the right to use that property to another person. The per...
Essentials of a Valid Gift (Property Law)
Introduction - A gift is a transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily and without consideration, by o...
Gifts: Meaning, Definition, Kinds and Provisions (Section 122 to 129 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882)
Introduction - Section 122 to 129 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 deals with the provisions regarding Gifts, Section 122...
"Exchange" meaning, definition and provisions (Transfer of Property Act,1882)
Introduction - Section 118 to section 121 of the transfer of property 1882 speaks about the exchange. Section 118 defines exc...
When gift may be suspended or revoked (Section 126 of the Transfer of Property Act)
What is Gift - 'Gift' is defined under section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882, "Gift" is the transfer of ...
Transfers Of Actionable Claims (Section 130 to Section 132 of the Transfer of Property Act)
Introduction - Transfer of Actionable claim, Section 130 to Section 132 of the Transfer of Property Act speaks about Transfer of Actionable...
Lease: Meaning, Definition and Essentials of the Valid Lease | Property Law
A lease is the transfer of a right to enjoy certain property. It is either for a certain period or perpetuity. It is an agreem...
Negotiation: Meaning, Definition and Modes of negotiation
Meaning and Definition of Negotiation - According to Section 14 of Negotiable Instrument Act 188 "When a promissory not...
What is Endorsement ? What are Essentials of Endorsement?
Meaning of Endorsement - Endorsement means signing at the back of the instrument for the purpose of negotiation. The act...
Mortgage : Liabilities of the Mortgagee | Property Law,
Mortgage - According to Section 58(a) of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in spec...
What is Usufructuary Mortgage | Property Law
Mortgage "A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in the specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the ...
Mortgage: Rights of a Mortgagee | Property Law
Introduction - Chapter 4 Section 58 to 99 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 deals with the provision of Mortgage. A mortga...
Mortgage : Liabilities of the Mortgagor | Transfer of Property
1) Introduction - A mortgage is the most important kind of Security. The Essential nature of Mortgage is that it is a transf...
Mortgage : Rights of Mortgagor | Property Law
1) Introduction A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in the specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the pa...
Mortgage : Meaning, Definition, Essentials and Registration of Mortgage Deed
1) What is mortgage The term 'Mortgage' consists of two words 'Mort' and 'Gage'. Mort which means ' a ...
Assignment of Contract | Law of Contracts
1) Introduction Assignment of contract means the transfer of contractual rights and liabilities under the contract to a third p...
Receiving Stolen Property (Section 410 to Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code 1860)
Section 410 to Section 414 of the Indian Penal Code 1860 deals with Receiving Stolen property. Stolen property is defined under Sec...
See Also..
1) Consider the following statements : A) Every promise is an agreement. B) Every agreement is a contract. C) A contrac...
1) Which one of the following element is not necessary for a contract ? A) Competent parties B) Reasonable terms and condition...
Computer is an important part of an accounting system. Computerized accounting systems are important to business in various...
1) Give correct answer : A) Void agreements are always illegal. B) Illegal agreements are always voidable . C) Illegal a...
Advantages of Law - There are many Advantages of law... some of the them are as follows : 1) Uniformity and Certainty: ...